Wednesday: #AuthorSpotlight with Regina Kammer

Librarian and art historian, turned erotic romance writer, Regina Kammer knows her stuff when it comes to history. She’s written in multiple eras including: Roman, Byzantine, Viking, American Revolution, and Victorian. She’s also penned several contemporary erotic...

Planner or Pantser?

When you sit down to write your story do you start with a clear outline, or do you plop your butt in the chair and start pouring out the words, writing ‘by the seat of your pants’? I’ve heard some authors say that it depends on the book, and changes with each new...

Wednesday: #AuthorSpotlight with Sean Kerr

There have been many wonderful things that have happened in my life, since I signed my contract with EXtasy Books, one of which was meeting author Sean Kerr. I was first introduced to Sean when he was putting together the Over the Rainbow anthology. He’s a kind, and...

Wednesday: #AuthorSpotlight with Hazel Hughes

I first met erotic romance novelist Hazel Hughes through Passionate Ink (the RWA’s erotic online chapter). She’s offered me some very helpful advice over the past several months, and has kindly offered to be the first author that I interview on...

Discovery: Reading my first romance novel

Discovery: Reading my first romance novel I was fifteen years old. It was a weekday in the middle of summer, and I wasn’t old enough for a license. My closest friend was at least a twenty minute drive away. What to do… What to do… Mom was at work. Siblings were...