It’s the time of year where we have to scratch out 2024 because we’ve forgotten the year changed and now we need to write 2025.

I like to write a year end/new year post every year so I can see what I accomplished and where I need to improve. If you’d like to read last year’s post, you can do so here.

I managed to hit a lot of my 2024 goals. And some I fell short on. I had hoped to try to launch a new romance book award, and unfortunately it failed pretty miserably. I did manage to connect a few romance reviewers to romance readers, but ultimately, it fell short of how I had hoped. I still plan to post the reviews that I did get, and do a feature post for all the authors that joined the event. I also tried to re-launch my “I Want Sexy Excerpts” newsletter, but it didn’t go so well either. Despite having authors sign up for most of the weeks, I only got excerpts from a handful of them. I had said I won’t spend my time chasing people down for posts/newsletter content. I don’t plan to give up on it yet, but I think I’m going to have to restructure it.

As for what went well…..

At the end of 2023 I asked one of my publishers for my rights back to all of my books, with the intention of re-releasing them in 2024.

I managed to re-released 5 books, write a short story for an anthology, and release 2 brand new stories. That’s a lot! I think I made up for not releasing anything in 2023.

2024 was also the first year I made more than $300 in a year, which was amazing. I’m far from being able to pay the bills yet, or even my author expenses (covers, editing, formatting, etc.), but it was a massive improvement, especially considering I did little to no promotion over the last year (because my focus was on releasing as many books as I could).

If you read last year’s post, you’ll notice that my social media and personal goals didn’t quiet get met. I still feel like I got a lot accomplished. We had some issues with my kids and needing to change schools, so that was an adjustment (thankfully for the better), and last summer I started working on a part-time/casual bases, which obviously cuts into my writing time.

What can we expect in 2025?

Contemporary stories:

I’m planning to release Naughty List, Naughty Secret, and Naughty Escapes this year. Ideally, I’d also love to release Holiday Hearts: A Collection of Winter Inspired Love Stories.


I’m aiming to have Elliot out before the summer.


This spring I’d like to release Waking the Winter Warlock, and before the end of 2025 (ideally before August) release Queen of Brood and Blood, but that’s a tall order.

Love Spells, Full Moons, and Silver Bullets will be getting a new cover to match the rest of the series.

What next?

If I can manage to get through all those releases, I’ll be jumping into Duncan, Mercer and Rafe’s books, as well as starting up a new BDSM contemporary series to start 2026. I’d love to finish off the Pack Trouble series in 2026.

I have no shortage of ideas, and a long list of future series I want to write, including 2 more contemporary series, a steampunk/fantasy type series, a sci-fi why choose trilogy, a few more shifter stories, and of course….lots more Clayridge.


Outside of writing….what’s next?

One of my big goals for 2025 is to start a podcast, The Clayridge Witches Coven Podcast. It will be focused on all things Clayridge, with some seasons being dedicated to author interviews. And each episode will either have a new excerpt, or a brand new, very short story that takes place in Clayridge. (With the exception of author interview episodes)

I’m so excited to get started on that, and with some luck, I might be able to launch it in March.

What books are you looking forward to in 2025?